
A burst water main at the center of my campus has the main thoroughfare bustling with workers, administrative assistants emailing with warnings of possibly non-working toilets, and college officials and dining hall staffers shaking their heads--of course campus is without water on the very day that students return to campus.  

The water challenges also come with whistling workers--one, in particular, whose first few bars of "Funky Town" inspired me to chime in, and discover that I could.  

See, I have not been able to whistle since the Bell's Palsy set in.  It's not exactly a quality of life thing, but it is nice to be able to (with apologies to Laurence Bacall), to just be able to put your lips together and make a beautiful noise, rather than spittering and sputtering air with a hint of shaky melody.  

So it was a nice surprise to be able to whistle along while the whistling worker worked, and to discover that when I lost the tune it transformed into "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."  Appropriate, to say the least.


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